
In addition to the club officers, many members and friends of the club step up to volunteer their services for the various initiatives and activities that the club undertakes. The club feels that it is important to recognize those individuals for their contributions. Below is a list of current volunteers, and what they do for the club.

Hazel Park Amateur Radio Club Volunteers

Public Information OfficerJoe, WB8ADX
WebmasterMike, K8WU
Facebook Group AdminAaron, W8VIP
Facebook Group AdminReuven, KB3EHW
Field Day ChairmanJohn, AA8UU
Newsletter Editor(currently vacant)
VE Testing ChairmanJerry, W9NPI
Mentoring Program ChairmanLeonard, AD8FK
2 Meter Net ChairmanBob, N8REL
Contesting MentorMike, WD8S
Contesting MentorGerry, K8GT
Banquet ChairmanJohn, W8TOY
Repeater TrusteeJoe, WB8ADX
Siren Testing Subnet CoordinatorMarsha, N8FE
Education Committee Chairman (License classes/testing)Bob, N8REL
STEM/STEAM Community Event CoordinatorJoe, WB8ADX