About Us

ARRL Special Service Club certificate 2023

The Hazel Park Amateur Radio Club (HPARC) is an ARRL Special Service Club open to all who are interested in the hobby of amateur radio communications. The club was formed in 1965 with the motto: Service Through Education. We have held entry level Technician class license classes each year ever since, helping hundreds of people become amateur radio operators. Additionally, we offer upgrade classes each year for both General and Amateur Extra class licenses.

The club goals are:

  • To bring together amateur radio operators to share experiences;
  • To exchange ideas and knowledge, along with helping mentor new enthusiasts who are interested in the hobby.

To meet these goals, we meet monthly with a presentation. Members receive a monthly newsletter and other benefits.

Our club has also expanded its services by helping the community at large. Our members’ public service skills have been put into use at public events, and we are equipped to provide communications in the event of emergencies and/or disasters. Some of our members participate in Skywarn training as well. Our VHF and UHF repeaters have been called into service in the past to host the southeastern Oakland County subnet for testing outdoor sirens during tornado season. We successfully test all of the sirens at least twice each season. You can find out more about this on the Siren Testing page.

Our club has conducted a 2 meter net every week continuously for over 50 years. The net started out on 2 meters (146.160 MHz, AM mode), and is currently held every Sunday evening at 9 PM ET on our FM-mode repeaters (VHF: 146.640 MHz, -600 kHz offset, 100.0 Hz PL; UHF: 443.225 MHz, +5 MHz offset, 107.2 Hz PL). You can also connect by Echolink using node #980938 (“W8HP-R”). All are welcome to join the net. Additionally, the HPARC also conducts a CW net on 28.028 MHz on Tuesday night at 8 PM ET. More information is available on the Nets page.

If you are interested in joining our club, please see the Membership page for more details and a signup form.

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