Hazel Park Amateur Radio Club


Website Redesign is Now Live!

If you have visited the website since the evening hours of Friday, August 30, 2024, you may have noticed that things look a bit different. Our webmaster and past President, Mike K8WU, has given the website a facelift after the previous website design/theme had been in place since November 2021.

If you notice something not working properly, please let Mike or one of the current board members know, and we’ll get it fixed.

Field Day 2024: Thank You!

We have now had another successful Field Day operation at Camp Agawam. We dealt with some unexpected obstacles – the heat and the interference between antennas being the two biggest ones – but we pulled through and made it a productive event while still having some fun.

As usual, John AA8UU successfully managed the event from start to finish, but he gets some help making it all happen every year, and so we must thank the volunteers who gave their time and energy to help make this Field Day what it was. Bill N8QVS of course kept us well fed, which is not an easy thing to do these days due to prices and availability of food. Bob WB8ATZ brought the tower and the majority of the antennas, and thankfully, he had a lot of help putting those up and taking them down. Bob N8REL and Brad KE8WNV helped run the GOTA (Get on the Air) station to show new and prospective operators how this whole Amateur Radio thing works, at least on HF. There were several others who were onsite most or all of the weekend, so support was available if someone had a problem that needed fixing, technical or otherwise.

We are certainly looking forward to Field Day 2025, and when plans begin to crystallize for that event, they will be posted here. Thanks to all of you who helped, showed up to hang out and/or operate, or lent your support in any other way that you could.

Next up: We are having a picnic at Green Acres Park in Hazel Park, MI on Wednesday, August 14. Details coming soon!

Field Day 2024

It’s that time of year again! ARRL Field Day is coming up in a few weeks, and we plan to participate this year as usual.

We will be set up at Camp Agawam in Orion Twp., MI, which is the same park that we used last year for Field Day. We plan to operate on the air between 2 PM EDT on Saturday, June 22 and 4 PM EDT on Sunday, June 23. As is tradition for Field Day, food will be provided by Bill N8QVS.

If you would like to volunteer for setup, please be at the park no later than 9 AM EDT on Saturday 6/22. We will have plenty for you to do. Thanks, and we hope to see you there!

May 2024 Membership Meeting and Vote

The next meeting of the Hazel Park Amateur Radio Club will be held on Wednesday, May 8th at 7:30 PM ET at the Hazel Park Memorial Library. Socializing starts around 7:00 PM.

We will be voting in person at this meeting for our next slate of club officers for the 2024-2025 term. This is a reminder that you need to have an active club membership in order to vote. If you do not, please visit the Membership page to pay dues and get back on the member register.

Please also note that we are still looking for a nominee for President, as Mike K8WU is not seeking re-election for the 2024-2025 term.

We will also be hearing a short blurb about Field Day planning. We are, of course, always looking for volunteers.

The Hazel Park library is located at 123 E 9 Mile Rd – at the corner of 9 Mile and John R Rds: https://goo.gl/maps/CYvGU58SsCLT7Kof9 on Google Maps.

April 2024 Membership Meeting

The next meeting of the Hazel Park Amateur Radio Club will be held on Wednesday, April 10th at 7:30 PM ET at the Hazel Park Memorial Library. Socializing starts around 7:00 PM.

The meeting will include a presentation by Dana West, KC0MYP about how DMR works and how to get set up with it.

The Hazel Park library is located at 123 E 9 Mile Rd – at the corner of 9 Mile and John R Rds: https://goo.gl/maps/CYvGU58SsCLT7Kof9 on Google Maps.

Please also check out our Newsletter page – the April 2024 issue was posted recently!

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Join Us!

The club meets on the second Wednesday of every month from September through May at 7:30-9:00 PM ET (with socializing beginning at 6:30 PM ET) at:

Hazel Park Memorial Library
123 E. Nine Mile Rd.
Hazel Park, MI 48030

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